119 photos   8839 visits


Welcome to my page.
My name is Edmond Jasmine and i'm from New York.
Something about me:
-I like PIZZA...Yumm
-I like to go to the park everyday..
-I like the spanish...
-I like my boyfriend[:D]
-I like the chocolate
-I like the SUMMER
I like the volleyball
-I like to swim
-I like this site[Deget.net]
-I like my BFF

Not like:
-Fake friends
-Tyna[my enemy]
-To wake up early in the morning...
-Those who copy

I hope you will like my page...


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Comments • 4

xDontLoveItHurtsx 25 November 2010  
ILoveDylanAndCole 21 November 2010  
MidiixD 15 November 2010  
=>OMG YoU are from at New York !!
=>You know many stars right [;;)]
MidiixD 15 November 2010  
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